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News | 24 July 2024

Release Note: Cross Section

Street Smart 24.6 Release Notes

Cyclomedia is excited to announce the newest release of Street Smart (24.6). This release is packed with new functionalities for the cross section and wil be active from the 24th of July.  

  • Switch the slope/angle output from degrees to percentage 
  • Draw cross section perpendicular 
  • Show height measurements in narrow selections as well 
  • Download an image or pdf of the cross section including the panel 

Slope, perpendicular and height measurement:

If you click on the settings icon in the cross-section functionality, you will see the added options of viewing the slope in percentage and drawing perpendicular. In addition you will now be able to show height measurements in narrow selections.  

Download an image or pdf

You can now create an image or PDF that includes the cross-section panel. 

Steps to create: 

  1. Create a cross-section measurement in the image window 
  2. Create the needed measurement inside the cross-section panel 
  3. Select the share button from the top right menu bar 
  4. Select download report 
  5. Select the viewers, options, and overlays you wish to include in the report 
  6. Click the download button 

Once you click the download button, the file will be downloaded to your computer and a link to the viewer will be imbedded into the report.  

 Please be on the lookout for future updates to the Street Smart application. Cyclomedia – Transforming data into valuable insights!