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Street Smart | 07 December 2020

Cyclomedia will stop supporting Internet Explorer in 2021

Dear Street Smart user,

A few months ago we conducted a survey on the use of Street Smart with special attention to the browser.

For years, Internet Explorer was the most widely used browser for Street Smart, however, we are seeing a sharp decline in usage. The survey clearly showed that you are allowed and able to use multiple browsers and that the preferred browser is no longer Internet Explorer.

Since January 2016 Internet Explorer only gets security patches and no updates anymore. Because Internet Explorer is part of Windows 10 it has no End of Life, but Microsoft will also stop supporting IE for their own office 365 web applications next year. This is a trend that is visible in many web applications.

Cyclomedia will also stop supporting Internet Explorer as one of the supported browsers in 2021. In January the planning for this will be announced through news items in Street Smart.