Area Mapping

Cyclomedia describes the inventory of the surface types (from street level) and / or the surface classes as Area
Mapping. This product is based on Cyclomedia Street Ortho images and can be used to obtain basic data.
The digital Area Mapping is the basis for the development of your city into a city of the future. Only with a
reliable, precise and complete survey of the status quo a new division of your city can be planned and
implemented with a citizen-centered approach.

The procedure

Based on high-resolution 3D Cycloramas and Street Ortho, Cyclomedia provides you with digital Area Mapping
and the associated surface classifications. We differentiate between eight different surface categories and five
different surface classes. This information is extracted with the help of algorithms – automatically within a very
short time using AI. In order to guarantee you optimal data quality, the results of the data extraction then go
through a manual control process.