Introducing Street Smart’s LRS SmartFilter Configuration
Improved Route Display
ITD’s official LRS Route ID and Mile Measure are displayed for all images along the State network. Since not all users are familiar with this nomenclature, the route display now also includes the commonly used route name and milepost value.
In this example along State Highway 28, instead of showing only 02500ASH028 to identify the route, the more readable version, SH-28, is also displayed. Milepost numbers sometimes differ from the official LRS mile measure value along a route. While both values are important, many users are only familiar with the milepost values displayed on signs. The updated LRS display includes both the milepost measure and the official mile measure value for most recording points. In this example, the LRS measure is 80.68, while the milepost is 96. For recording points between milepost signs, decimal values are calculated based on the distance from a known milepost. Since milepost values are approximated, the ± symbol is displayed with the milepost measure as a reminder.
Easier Route Location Searches
The Route ID search now provides easy to use filters to make finding a route location fast and simple! The mile measure toggle allows users to quickly switch between mile measure and milepost values.
How do I access the new improvements?
To access the new Route and Milepost display and improved Route search options, you’ll need to change your selected configuration setting. For most ITD users, your configuration will currently be set to ‘USA – LRS Support’. You can change to the new configuration at any time using the instructions below. Beginning September 3rd , the USA – LRS Support option will be retired, and all users will automatically be switched to the new ‘LRS – SmartFilter’ configuration. When the configuration changes, the Street Smart dashboard will reset and all items in the Recent list, including saved measurements, will be cleared.
Note: If you have important measurements saved in your dashboard, please be sure to export them before changing your configuration or before August 30th.
Keep reading if you don’t want to wait to start using these enhancements!
How do I switch to the new configuration right away?
To start using the new improvements immediately, you only have to change your configuration setting! To make this change, click on the user icon in the upper left corner and select the Settings option. On the Settings dialog, select the LRS – SmartFilter option from the Configuration dropdown.
Be sure to click the Apply button at the bottom. Your browser tab will refresh to load the new Street Smart configuration.
With the new configuration, all settings revert to the defaults. After the refresh, return to the settings page if you want to change your default units to feet, add attributes or change other settings.
How do I export my measurements?
To save measurements, open the dashboard to view the Recent list. This list shows searches, saved measurements and other locations. You can filter the list to show only measurements by selecting Show All→ Measurements. Once the list is filtered, click the checkbox at the top to select all measurements in the list, or select only the ones you wish to save.
Then, use the Export Selected→Measurements as JSON option. This will download a text file to your downloads folder
How do I get my measurements back?
To import the measurements exported from your previous configuration, expand the dashboard by clicking the arrow along the bottom of the interface. Select the Upload—Measurements from JSON menu option, then browse for your previously exported JSON file. This file is typically saved in the Downloads folder with a name like ‘EPSG_8826_measurement_bundle_5-8-2024.json’
How do I set my map to the correct start location?
With the new configuration, all settings revert to the defaults, including your map start location. To set the start location for your map, zoom and/or pan to display the map area you would like to use for the default. Next, select the Display icon in the upper right corner of the map.
From the popup menu, select the Use Current View button to use the current map view as your start location.
Where can I find the new route search filters?
To display the search filters, select the Route ID search type from the list.
Next, click the gear icon, and select Idaho from the list of states. This will update the display with the correct filters. Street Smart will “remember” this setting, so it only has to be selected one time.
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Still have questions?
Reach out to Jenny Vaughan at [email protected] for any further questions.