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Building Smart Cities

9 ways Cyclomedia can help your team to work smarter

Smart city data is changing how we improve smart city programs. With the right data and technology, you can improve your city’s liveability score and make your city planning and maintenance more cost effective.

Discover what visual smart city data can offer for your city by clicking on each point of the infographic below. Each number explains just how technology can help you plan and maintain smart cities for the present and for the future.


1. Council tax assessments

Get a detailed view of property sizes, materials and conditions with Cyclomedia’s detailed street-view map, and make tax assessments faster and more accurate.

2. Urban planning

Plan new parts of existing cities with ease, using Cyclomedia’s interactive 3D city map. Plan out street features in your ‘digital twin’ urbanisation, and remotely monitor development progress to spot potential errors and issues earlier.

3. Infrastructure maintenance

Understand exactly what features of your city can be improved. With visual data, all your structures from traffic lights to buildings can be mapped and better understood. 

4. Street asset validation

Assess street features and furniture in their real-life context, so that you can ensure they are appropriate for their surroundings, and both convenient and safe for the public.

5. Road safety and surface analysis

Pinpoint potholes in roads remotely and easily locate potential spots for street repairs with just a few clicks, maximizing efficiency and minimizing the risk of human error.

6. Sustainability management

Get all the data you need to make greener decisions. Cut back on CO2 emissions, manage traffic better, plan out more urban green spaces, and spot energy inefficiencies that can be eliminated.

7. Council service planning

Identify in advance how new street features and services could impact the overall liveability of a city, from new parking lots and trash collection services. Explore the effects on access, road safety, pollution, flooding and more. 

8. Emergency response

Give emergency and rescue teams vital information that can help them save lives. Use street-level data to provide situational awareness, and enable the planning of safe and fast access routes when rapid responses are needed.

To know more about how data insights can help your city, read further here.