Mobility Package
1. Environmentally conscious, safe and contemporary
We are continuously developing our Cyclomedia solutions. While the images were initially used for visualization and measurement, they now serve as an important tool in the development of smart cities by means of automated object detection. “Smart City” encompasses a wide range of topics. However, “mobility and traffic” is the most important issue for the city of the future.
WHERE DO YOU BEGIN? Do you know how many traffic signs, road markings, traffic lights, street lights, parking lots, bike paths, e-charging stations and school routes you have? What condition are they in? where exactly are they located? Have you already carried out an area mapping? No? Then start collecting this information now – we will help you create the digital twin of your city.
2. Area Mapping

The digital mapping of the areas in your city is just one of the many services included in the “mobility and traffic package” offered by Cyclomedia. Our digital database is the basis for the development of your city into a city of the future. Only with a reliable, precise and complete survey of the status quo can a new division of your city be planned and implemented with a citizen-centred approach. Give the public space back to your citizens and thus increase the quality of life in your city.
Area mapping and smart city

The city of the future will focus on its citizens in regard to urban planning and redistribution of public space. The public space, as an essential element for urban quality of life, should become less traffic-dominated and more a place to stay and meet for all age groups. The traffic areas must be divided more fairly, which should benefit pedestrians and cyclists in particular.
We carry out the digital area mapping for you, based on our 3D cycloramas.
3. Traffic Signs

An inventory of traffic signs includes not only their location, but also the type or category of the respective sign, the orientation and, if applicable, the text on the sign. This information enables you to quickly and easily check the existing traffic signs and to improve road safety.
Traffic signs and smart city
Frankfurt, Cologne, Remscheid, Darmstadt and Sindelfingen are cities that have already chosen Cyclomedia to create a complete, digital traffic sign register for their city. The cases are diverse. In some cities, the traffic sign register is used to ensure that children get to school safely. Other cities plan heavy transportation across the city from their desks.
However, the comprehensive digital data basis is essential for clarity and efficiency in road traffic. Ensuring safety and smooth progress, not only for drivers, but especially for cyclists, pedestrians and the users of local public transport.
We can carry out an inventory of your traffic signs within three weeks.
4. Street lighting

The basic requirement for upgrading existing street lighting systems is a comprehensive digital lighting register. Cyclomedia can provide this for you, quickly and inexpensively, thanks to the automated object detection in our 3D cycloramas.
Street lighting and smart cities

Use the potential of street lighting! There are approximately 9.5 million street lights in Germany. These days, they can provide so much more than brightness at night.
In the future, street lights will also provide your citizens with city-wide WIFI coverage. They will serve as a holder for sensor technology and, for example, support the planning of a more environmentally friendly city by measuring the fine dust pollution. You can also save energy in the future thanks to motion sensors, which cause a luminaire to only switch on when there are people in the vicinity.
The prerequisite is of course to know where which lamp is and its condition.
5. Road markings

Last but certainly not least, the basic requirement for modern, future-proof and safe traffic management is a comprehensive digital register of your road markings. Cyclomedia can provide this quickly and inexpensively, thanks to automated object detection in our 3D cycloramas.
Road markings and smart cities

Optimize your road markings!
There is a need for action, especially regarding autonomous driving. Driverless vehicles will soon be as common today as buses or cars.
The technology for lane keeping systems in the vehicle is already mature, however unclear road markings often ensure that the technology, which will be taken for granted in a few years, does not work.
Do you know the state of the road markings in your city? Are they complete?