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Cyclomedia Press Resources

Cyclomedia in the media

Past Press Releases

Cyclomedia collects data and imagery for the City of New Orleans
Cyclomedia is proud to announce that it has completed the collection and delivery of data for the City of New Orleans, LA after winning the RFP in November of 2022.
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Cyclomedia makes it as a finalist in the IRRV annual Appraisal Awards
Due to contributions to streamlining the appraisal process, Cyclomedia became a finalist for two different awards in 2022– Excellence in both Innovation and Rating & Valuation.
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Cyclomedia Strengthened By New Investment
Cyclomedia, a world leader in providing highly accurate 360° street-level visual data, enhanced by AI-powered analytics, announced a significant investment to bolster the company's growth and pave the way for further success.
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Media Kit


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Meet the Team!

Serge Lupas

Chief Executive Officer

Sean Fernback

Chief Technology Officer

Darren Cottage

Executive Vice President of Sales, US

Bas Brinkman

Director of Marketing

Lindsay Walker

Marketing Manager, US

Video: General Cyclomedia Overview

Cyclomedia develops, builds and operates the world’s most advanced mobile mapping systems. A combination of sensors ranging from cameras and LiDAR scanners to state-of-the-art positioning systems map dense urban areas in the United States, Canada, and Western Europe.

The petabytes of data that we collect every year are used by professional users, ranging from city governments to large corporations working in utilities, infrastructure and insurance. Their one common denominator is their need for better data and information to drive change and serve their customers.   

Today our solutions make cities safer, greener, more accessible and smarter, helping companies to make the right decisions based on actual and accurate data. 

Additional Press

EXTERNAL PRESS: Fox 5 Las Vegas News Segment
The City of Las Vegas' Fox 5 news network released a segment on Cyclomedia's work with the city, citing their newfound ability to keep track of and troubleshoot infrastructure.
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Cyclomedia Wins RFP for Las Vegas
Cyclomedia, the leading provider of accurate geospatial imagery-data and data analytics is proud to announce that it has recently been awarded a major contract for Las Vegas, the largest city in the state of Nevada and part of the 28th largest MSA in the country (Clark County).
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Cyclomedia Strengthened By New Investment
Cyclomedia, a world leader in providing highly accurate 360° street-level visual data, enhanced by AI-powered analytics, announced a significant investment to bolster the company's growth and pave the way for further success.
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