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Property Appraisal

Is your property appraisal office prepared to keep up with the demands of new construction, permits, and mandated inspection cycles?

Solutions for Property Appraisal

Cyclomedia is an industry leader in high resolution 360° street-level imagery and exceeds the IAAO standard for Mass Appraisal requirements. Geometrically correct, positionally accurate street-level imagery can build efficiency and increase staff safety, extending even beyond the assessor's office to be an organization-wide resource. Watch this video to learn more!

Street Smart®, Cyclomedia's SaaS cloud-based viewer, makes it possible to improve assessment accuracy by viewing selected properties throughout your jurisdiction from multiple angles—directly from your desktop. This industry-leading technology equips property appraisers with the resources they need to work more efficiently, and digitally.

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Assess market value using our tools

Appraisal professionals also have the option to embed Cyclomedia's data directly into your CAMA to perform desktop reviews. Our HD Imagery allows you to determine grade and condition while eliminating costly and time-consuming field inspections, complying with IAAO's standards for remote work. Additionally, our imagery can also be utilized for Tax Appeal and Board of Adjustment hearings to provide a better visual understanding of the subject property and neighborhood influences. 

Our analytics team can use our GeoCyclorama™ imagery via Street Smart® to align property images and assign attributes to each valid tax object present in the customer GDB. Once saved, the image parameters are used to generate high-resolution cutout images and an accompanying CSV which describes the point the image was taken from, the central point of the tax object, and the attributes  applicable to the image.  

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Video: Monroe County Property Assessor Scott Russell shares how his office uses Cyclomedia's solutions!

So, how does this work for Property Appraisal?

Our cars have special cameras and sensors that grab pictures and details of areas in your town or city. Then, we turn all that information into useful maps and data insights that integrate right into the GIS computer programs you already have.

Using Cyclomedia’s tools means you can figure out the market value of homes and lands better. This helps when it's time to figure out property taxes. It makes sure that property owners are paying the right amount based on what their property is really worth—whether it's the fair market or full market value. This keeps everyone happy and honest.

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Being able to move fast and stay up-to-date is super important

Cyclomedia provides your office with accurate data on property values, helping owners and stakeholders understand the true valuation of their assets. Our solutions support appraisals and valuation processes for both physical and intangible assets, ensuring businesses can efficiently manage their properties and equipment. This is especially useful when evaluating business properties, as it allows for precise ownership assessments and tracking changes in value.

With Street Smart®, you can generate comprehensive views of a property in just two clicks, making it easier to manage complex or commercial properties without the need for manual inspections. Digitize your property assessments and ensure you're always working with the latest data. This is especially useful for complex or commercial properties. Don't rely on manual inspections- digitize your assessments!

Our digital solutions are great at calculating the assessed value of properties

Here’s how Cyclomedia’s tools are specifically designed to calculate, measure, monitor, and analyze important aspects of property appraisal. We can automatically check how much a property is worth based on current data and compare it to similar properties. This helps ensure everyone pays a fair property tax.

For homeowners, our system can factor in any homestead exemption they're eligible for. This exemption can significantly lower their tax bills, and our tools make it easy to apply this discount accurately and quickly, directly affecting the assessed value.

For appraisal agencies & more

Is your property appraisal operation ready to keep up with all the new buildings, permits, and inspections that need to be done? Things are changing fast, and everything is going digital. Cyclomedia is here to help you keep up. We’re already helping cities across the U.S. by giving them imagery and data to streamline their work & make their jobs easier.

Every year, Cyclomedia updates over 250,000 miles of street-level images and data all over the world. This means we give 7 times more pictures for each piece of land than other companies do. Want to see how we can help your area next? Our tools let property appraisers do most of their work from their desks, which saves a lot of time and money.

Across the state there are approximately 100 counties. I can say with 100% confidence that adding Cyclomedia technology to our portfolio of assessment tools has enabled us to be at par, or even exceed, the productivity of similar sized counties with field personnel up to 20% larger.

Keith Miller, Tax Assessor, Buncombe County

Keeping real estate property value updated with fair market value

Our technology plays a big role in helping companies monitor their real estate's book value on their intangible assets balance sheet. By keeping this value updated, companies have a clear picture of their financial health, which is essential during an orderly liquidation or when reassessing assets yearly.

And by continually analyzing market trends and property data, our tools help ensure that property tax assessments are based on the most current and accurate information. This ongoing analysis helps prevent discrepancies and ensures that property taxes reflect true market conditions and property values.

Cyclomedia's tools are about providing data, and offering smart, automated solutions that help property professionals calculate, measure, monitor, and analyze real estate values effectively, ensuring accuracy, fair market value and fairness in property taxation.

What products will lift property appraisal to the next level?

Most popular products

Easily integrate into most GIS platforms
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Street Smart®
The interactive webviewer for all Cyclomedia data
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360° virtual models of any location
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