Blog | 30 January 2023
Women in Tech- Jennifer Kuntz
GIS Expert
Working with GIS is no easy feat- it often takes an expert to understand the ins-and-outs. Lucky for us, Jennifer Kuntz, Local Government Solution Engineer, is the right woman for the job! In fact, one of her favorite things about GIS is finding the best way to explain the technical aspect to others who might not be as well-versed as she is. With her talent in the GIS field, Kuntz works with Cyclomedia to ensure Customer Support and Data Operations run smoothly.

Road to success
Originally going into college undecided, Kuntz took a regional geography class to learn more about the world. She became a geography major after receiving a letter from the university that read, “did you know you can get a job with a geography degree?” At the time, GIS was a relatively new field. From then on out, she began her journey towards a career in GIS. As luck would have it, Kuntz ran into her former GIS professor at a conference in Indianapolis who happened to work for Cyclomedia at the time. After providing feedback on some of Cyclomedia’s old software at his request, she spoke with him about job opportunities, intrigued by the new technology that she had never seen before- technology she described as “best in class of its kind and easy for the customer to use.” To Jennifer, one of the best parts about working at Cyclomedia is being able to see the difference her work makes in a growing company. She also likes that the team culture is very cooperative, saying that people are willing to do what it takes to help each other be successful.
Was it love at first sight?
GIS wasn’t always a passion of hers, but Jennifer learned it can be very different doing something as a job than doing it as a student. Her first job after college was as a Marketing Representative. What Jennifer took away from that job was that she likes problem solving on a technical level. A word of advice to others who want to learn more about careers in tech? Don’t be afraid to reach out to people! More likely than not, they will be happy to tell you about their career and lend you a helping hand.
About Us
Cyclomedia captures data from the real world and transforms it into valuable insights, enabling you to understand the complexities of the environment around you.
Using the world’s most accurate 360°street-level visualizations, enhanced by innovative AI-powered analytics, Cyclomedia delivers actionable insights. Today our solutions make cities safer, greener, more accessible and smarter, helping companies to make the right decisions based on actual and accurate data.